مقالات تهویه
Effect of the mode of heat withdrawal on the asymmetry of temperature profiles in reverse-flow reactors. Catalytic combustion of methane as a test case
PDF (409 K)
Design of emergency ventilation system for an underground storage facility
PDF (1997 K)
The computational modeling of the ventilation flows within a rapid development drivage
PDF (1394 K)
Development and application of reservoir models and artificial neural networks for optimizing ventilation air requirements in development mining of coal seams
PDF (1434 K)
Characteristics of coal mine ventilation air flows
PDF (2169 K)
Numerical analysis of the influence of in-seam horizontal methane drainage boreholes on longwall face emission rates
PDF (1459 K)
Reservoir simulation-based modeling for characterizing longwall methane emissions and gob gas venthole production
PDF (1552 K)
A parametric analysis of a tunnel climatic prediction and planning model
PDF (572 K)
The influence of ventilation variables on the volume rate of airflow delivered to the face of long drivages
PDF (207 K)
Radon concentration in houses over a closed Hungarian uranium mine
PDF (466 K)
Catalytic combustion of coal mine ventilation air methane
PDF (582 K)
Influence of geotechnical factors on gas flow experienced in a UK longwall coal mine panel
PDF (1287 K)
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